I had an intensely grammatically correct mother. I never struggled with apostrophes, commas, or conjunctions. So why the """" (she also swore a lot) do my website, business cards, produce labels, and merchandise (coming soon) have no capital letters. sandpoint, idaho????? Somebody call the grammar police.
I struggled with that one. A lot. I still do. But the name of our farm, red wheelbarrow produce, is based on a poem, the red wheel barrow, by William Carlos Williams. It is printed in full in the photo on this page (taken from the kids book 16 Words by Lisa Rogers and Chuck Groenink) And the poem is ALL LOWERCASE (pun intended). And that was intentional, according to scholars. He was breaking traditions, and trying to convey a lack of time and context in order to allow space and creativity from the part of the reader. And it just felt like I should stick to that. And then it felt weird to have the name be lowercase but the location stray from the theme. Thus the irreverant "sandpoint, idaho". I have to keep typing it just to let go a little bit more each time (it's been 17 years already and I'm still working on it).
So that's why. You may not agree, but at least there's a reason, right?
My mother is probably be rolling in her grave. Sorry Mom. Love ya.